For immediate delivery the day of implant surgery, QuickSplint® is designed to protect and inhibit parafunctional clenching (causing microtrauma) during the healing phase. Avoiding all tooth contact with newly placed implants is vital for the success of the implant.
QuickSplint® is a simple anterior appliance covering the upper or lower teeth from bicuspid to bicuspid. The device has a rigid plastic shell that provides an occlusal surface and is retained by VPS liner to customize to the supporting dentition. QuickSplint® is perfect for short-term overnight use for a few days.
QuickSplint® is beneficial because studies suggest that 80% of the patients who clench are not aware of their behavior and assessing a patient’s jaw and tooth contact position during the day does not predict nighttime jaw positioning. Use of QuickSplint® protects your patient’s investment and prevents complications and potential pain.
Comfortable for patients to wear at night, QuickSplint® allows the supporting jaw musculature to relax. For a patient who exhibits jaw fatigue during a long procedure, QuickSplint® is prescribed to minimize complications prior to, during and following surgery.