Download the detailed documents for the Parafunction Risk Rating Protocol and incorporate the components that work best for your practice and team.
This 4-week protocol, utilizing QuickSplint®, helps you determine a parafunctional risk rating for your patient
This is the form you can print out and use with your patient when they return to discuss their experience using QuickSplint to diagnose bruxism.
This is the intake form for use in discussing with your patient the signs and symptoms that you see and they are aware of.
Studies have shown that up to 80% of the population that grind their teeth are not aware of their condition. Bruxism (clenching or grinding) can occur during the daytime or night, and for some patients it comes and goes (during periods of stress or use of certain medications) whereas other sleep bruxism patients will brux at nighttime without any awareness of a condition referred to as parafunction. Parafunction does not always result in jaw pain or a problem with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Even without pain, it does create stress on the teeth and can negatively affect the gums as well. We want to identify if this is present so we can respond to the possible risk of damage such as worn dentition, a cracked tooth, gum recession, or jaw muscle strain and associated headaches.
Print out the Parafunction Risk Rating Table. This table is also printed on the laminated card we offer, for use in your operatory.